Sunday 22 October 2023

"M.I.N.E" Themathic in ICT

       (Magnificently Impressive Natural Environment)

    National Clean Up Month in the Philippines is a significant annual event celebrated throughout the entire month of September. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness and environmental preservation in the country. This event encourages people to adopt a cleaner lifestyle and reduce their consumption of single-use plastics. National Clean Up Month fosters a sense of community spirit and unity as Filipinos join hands to make their surroundings cleaner and more beautiful. The event also promotes the idea of conscious consumerism, encouraging individuals to support eco-friendly products and practices. National Clean Up Month in the Philippines emphasizes the importance of keeping the country's natural attractions pristine and preserving its biodiversity. It serves as a reminder of the connection between a clean environment and the well-being of both people and wildlife. This month-long event also raises awareness about the negative effects of pollution on tourism, economy, and public health. National Clean Up Month in the Philippines provides an opportunity for individuals to connect with nature, appreciate its beauty, and understand the importance of its protection. It serves as a call to action for Filipinos to make positive changes in their daily lives and contribute to a sustainable future.

    Being part of these organizations (BSP and Yes-O organizations), individuals can raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness and proper waste management among their peers and the wider community. It also allows members to learn about sustainable practices and environmental conservation, which they can apply in their daily lives and share with others. A larger group enables individuals to collaborate with other like-minded people, increasing the impact and reach of their clean-up efforts.

    Watering plants helps in national clean-up efforts by contributing to a healthier and cleaner environment. By providing plants with the necessary hydration, they can effectively absorb pollutants from the air, improving air quality. Additionally, watering plants helps prevent soil erosion, reducing the amount of pollutants that enter water bodies. It also promotes biodiversity by creating habitats for various species. Moreover, as plants release moisture through transpiration, they can help cool the surrounding environment, mitigating the effects of climate change. Lastly, watering plants enhances the aesthetic appeal, creating a more pleasant and inviting atmosphere for everyone.

    Sweeping outside contributes to national clean-up efforts by keeping public spaces and surroundings free from debris and litter. Regular sweeping removes loose dirt, leaves, and other trash, preventing them from accumulating and potentially polluting the environment. It helps maintain cleanliness in parks, sidewalks, and streets, creating a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone. Additionally, sweeping outside can prevent the buildup of debris in drainage systems, reducing the risk of flooding during heavy rains. Overall, this simple act promotes cleanliness, hygiene, and a sense of responsibility towards maintaining a clean and healthy nation.

    Spreading awareness in meetings is essential for national clean-up efforts as it helps in educating and mobilizing a larger group of individuals. By discussing the importance of cleanliness and proper waste management during meetings, participants can gain a deeper understanding of the issue and its impact on the environment. This knowledge can then be shared with others, creating a ripple effect of awareness and action. Meetings provide a platform to discuss strategies, share success stories, and brainstorm innovative ideas for clean-up initiatives. By spreading awareness in meetings, individuals can inspire and motivate others to actively participate in clean-up activities, fostering a collective effort towards achieving a cleaner and more sustainable nation.

    Discarding correctly plays a crucial role in national clean-up efforts by preventing pollution and maintaining the cleanliness of our surroundings. When individuals dispose of waste in the proper way,such as using designated bins or recycling facilities, it helps to minimize litter and keeps our streets, parks, and water bodies clean. Correctly discarding waste also reduces the chances of it being carried away by wind or rain into natural habitats, where it can harm wildlife and ecosystems. Additionally, proper waste disposal ensures that harmful substances and chemicals are handled appropriately, preventing contamination of soil and water sources. By discarding correctly, we contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone, promoting a more sustainable and responsible approach to waste management.


Friday 20 October 2023

A Letter to the President: Expressing Concern and Worry

Dear President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing this letter to express my deep concerns and worries about the current state of our nation under your leadership. As a concerned citizen, I feel obligated to share my thoughts and perspectives with you, hoping that they may contribute to the betterment of our beloved country.

    Firstly, I must acknowledge the progress and development achieved during your tenure. There have been notable improvements in various sectors, such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education. Your administration has implemented several reforms that seemingly aimed to uplift the nation's socio-economic status.

    However, despite these positive changes, there are troubling issues that have come to light. Transparency in governance seems to be lacking, leading to suspicions of corruption and favoritism. The widening gap between the rich and the poor further deepens the divide among the citizens. Economic policies implemented sometimes appear to prioritize the elite, leaving the majority struggling to make ends meet.

    Additionally, the suppression of press freedom and the limited space for dissenting voices raise concerns about the deteriorating state of democracy. The restriction of information and criticism not only undermines the fundamental right to freedom of expression but also hampers our path towards an inclusive and progressive society.

    Moreover, the violations of human rights and the disregard for due process are deeply troubling. Reports of extrajudicial killings and the increasing number of political prisoners raise questions about the principles of justice and accountability within your governance. It is disheartening to see the erosion of our democratic values and the injustices that persist in our society.

    In conclusion, President Marcos Jr., it is with a heavy heart that I express these concerns and worries. As a citizen who deeply cares about the welfare and progress of our nation, I implore you to address these issues with utmost sincerity and transparency. We need a leader who not only delivers development and progress but also upholds the values of justice, accountability, and democracy.

    I hope that you will consider these perspectives and take necessary steps towards creating an inclusive society that prioritizes the rights and well-being of all citizens. Together, we can strive towards a better tomorrow for our beloved nation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter Mr. President.

     Mr. Gazmen



Monday 16 October 2023

A beautiful archipelago in Southeast Asia


The Philippines, a beautiful archipelago in Southeast Asia, has long been known for its resilience in the face of adversity. This resilience is often tested by natural disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes, which frequently ravage the country. Despite these challenges, the Filipino people have time and again demonstrated their ability to bounce back and rebuild their lives. This resilience is ingrained in the Filipino culture, where the spirit of "bayanihan" (a sense of community and caring for one another) prevails.

          One example of the Philippines' resilience can be seen in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded. The devastation caused by the typhoon was immense, with thousands of lives lost and entire communities wiped out. However, the Filipino people quickly mobilized to provide emergency relief and assistance to those affected. International aid poured in, but it was the resilience and tenacity of the Filipino people that truly made a difference. They rebuilt their homes and livelihoods, showing the world their ability to rise above even the most difficult circumstances.

          Another testament to the resilience of the Philippines is seen in the wake of frequentearthquakes that shake the archipelago. The country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it highly susceptible to seismic activities. Despite this constant threat, the Filipino government and its people are constantly working to improve disaster preparedness and response. Evacuation plans and early warning systems have been put in place to minimize casualties and damage. The resilience of the Filipino people is evident through their ability to adapt to these natural disasters and find ways to continue thriving despite the challenges they face.

          In conclusion, the Philippines is a country that exemplifies resilience in the face of adversity. The Filipino people have shown time and again their ability to bounce back from natural disasters, rebuild their lives, and support one another. Through their strength and determination, they embody the spirit of "bayanihan" and inspire others around the world. Despite the challenges they face, the resilient Philippines continues to grow and thrive, showing the world the true meaning of resilience.



    -Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath Part II By Josephine Reynold



   -Piyavit Thongsa-Ard (Images)




Tuesday 10 October 2023

Teacher's day letter.

Dear Ma'am Vera Cruz,

            I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and joy. As we celebrate Teachers' Day, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for all that you have done for me and my classmates throughout the years.

           First and foremost, I want to thank you for your unwavering dedication to teaching. Your passion for education is contagious, and it has inspired me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my life. You have always gone above and beyond to ensure that we understand the lessons thoroughly, and your patience in explaining complex topics is truly admirable.

              Your classroom has always been a safe and nurturing environment, where learning is fun and engaging. Your innovative teaching methods and creative assignments have made even the most challenging subjects enjoyable. I have fond memories of the group projects we worked on, which not only expanded our knowledge but also taught us the value of teamwork and collaboration.

           Beyond academics, you have also been a constant source of encouragement and support. You have always believed in our potential and encouraged us to dream big. Your words of wisdom and guidance have helped shape our characters and instill confidence in our abilities. Your trust and faith in us have given us the strength to overcome obstacles and strive for success.

             Ma'am Vera Cruz, your impact goes far beyond what can be measured by grades or test scores. You have taught us valuable life lessons that extend beyond the classroom walls. Your emphasis on empathy, kindness, and respect has made us better human beings. You have taught us to be compassionate towards others and to always lend a helping hand.

            Your dedication to our education is unmatched, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for the countless hours you have spent preparing lessons, grading papers, and providing us with valuable feedback. Your hard work and commitment have not gone unnoticed, and it is because of teachers like you that students like me are able to aim high and achieve their goals.

            Today, as we celebrate Teachers' Day, I want you to know that you are appreciated more than words can express. I am eternally grateful to have had you as my teacher and mentor. Thank you for your endless patience, love, and belief in us.

"Wishing you a Teachers' Day filled with joy and appreciation."

Yours sincerely,

Michael Gazmen Jr.



Monday 9 October 2023

"My academic journey"


“My academic journey”

When I was still in elementary school, I participated in various competitions such as singing, young scientist inventor, and many more.

    After I graduated elementary school, I lost my focus on learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but when I was in Grade 8, I realized that I could make it to honors even in a pandemic because I knew I could do it. A few months later, my suffering paid off, and I reached honors, and because of that, I continued to focus and achieve my academic goals.

           After the pandemic, I was in 9th grade, and I joined a lot of competitions such as TV broadcasting (Busilak ), an essay writing contest, etc. After I finished 9th grade,I discovered a lot of new skills, talents, and things of mine that really improved and enhanced my life, and I realized that being an academic achiever will really help you on the road to success.


    Lastly, now that I am in 10th grade, I will try to discover more things, pursue what I want, and do everything to achieve more goals and achievements in my academic life. I have promised to myself that I will move up with a title of high honors and with a lot of awards, medals, trophy, and certificates up in stages, and everyone will look andcheer for that success.





Inclusivity Communication Teamwork (ICT)

     I've learned many priceless lessons about ICT. First, adaptability is crucial because technology is changing so quickly that one mu...