Friday 20 October 2023

A Letter to the President: Expressing Concern and Worry

Dear President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing this letter to express my deep concerns and worries about the current state of our nation under your leadership. As a concerned citizen, I feel obligated to share my thoughts and perspectives with you, hoping that they may contribute to the betterment of our beloved country.

    Firstly, I must acknowledge the progress and development achieved during your tenure. There have been notable improvements in various sectors, such as infrastructure, healthcare, and education. Your administration has implemented several reforms that seemingly aimed to uplift the nation's socio-economic status.

    However, despite these positive changes, there are troubling issues that have come to light. Transparency in governance seems to be lacking, leading to suspicions of corruption and favoritism. The widening gap between the rich and the poor further deepens the divide among the citizens. Economic policies implemented sometimes appear to prioritize the elite, leaving the majority struggling to make ends meet.

    Additionally, the suppression of press freedom and the limited space for dissenting voices raise concerns about the deteriorating state of democracy. The restriction of information and criticism not only undermines the fundamental right to freedom of expression but also hampers our path towards an inclusive and progressive society.

    Moreover, the violations of human rights and the disregard for due process are deeply troubling. Reports of extrajudicial killings and the increasing number of political prisoners raise questions about the principles of justice and accountability within your governance. It is disheartening to see the erosion of our democratic values and the injustices that persist in our society.

    In conclusion, President Marcos Jr., it is with a heavy heart that I express these concerns and worries. As a citizen who deeply cares about the welfare and progress of our nation, I implore you to address these issues with utmost sincerity and transparency. We need a leader who not only delivers development and progress but also upholds the values of justice, accountability, and democracy.

    I hope that you will consider these perspectives and take necessary steps towards creating an inclusive society that prioritizes the rights and well-being of all citizens. Together, we can strive towards a better tomorrow for our beloved nation.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter Mr. President.

     Mr. Gazmen



1 comment:

  1. Continue being an advocate for our politics. Speak up!


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