Saturday 18 November 2023

"Every child deserves a good life"

"Every child deserves a good life"

On this generation there are still children doesn't have proper education, proper life and freedom to everything. But how can we address and prevent this major issue? Were a lot of countries are include to this issue.

     First, I think that one of the best way to address this is to Implement policies and programs that ensure all children have access to free and quality education, including those marginalized communities. Another, strengthen the child protection law by enforce and enhance laws that protect children from abuse, exploitation and violence, ensuring their safety and well-being. Another, by providing them a financial assistance, healthcare and other necessary support to families and children in need. Lastly, promoting public awareness campaigns and advocacy initiatives to raise awareness about importance of children's rights and the need for their proper life, education, and freedom.

    Addition, we may invest in infrastructure, such as schools, Libraries, and recreational facilities, to provide children with necessary resources for a well-rounded education and development. Also, creating an inclusive communities that promote diversity and acceptance, ensuring that children from all backgrounds have equal opportunities and freedom to express themselves. Lastly, we may add providing parents with resources and training to improve their parenting skills, ensuring that children receives a proper care, love and guidance.

On the other hand, this laws and ways will be difficult to implement to all countries, but I'm pretty sure that if we start it now, they will adopt this laws and ways to prevent this big issue. It will be long time and difficult to implement but day by day there are improvement to our world and to the children issue.

In conclusion this issue can be solved by implementing do the ways that I have mentioned to this content, It focuses on how can we prevent and solved this issue by the program called "National Children's Month".



Tuesday 7 November 2023

Reflection: "1st Quarter Journey"

 Throughout the first quarter in ICT, I have embarked on a journey that delved into the captivating history of the internet. I learned about the creators of this revolutionary technology and their significant contributions to shaping the digital world we know today. It has been an enlightening experience to explore the origins and evolution of the internet, witnessing how it has transformed from a mere  communication tool to an integral part of our daily lives.

 Learning about the inventors of the internet, such as Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, has been truly inspiring. Their vision and dedication to developing a global network that connects people from all corners of the world is commendable. Understanding the complexities behind the internet's infrastructure, protocols, and concepts has given me a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of our modern society.

 Moreover, the joy and happiness I have experienced in this class extend beyond the subject matter itself. I have had the pleasure of making memories with my classmates and our teacher, Ma'am, who has been instrumental in guiding us through this learning journey. Her enthusiasm and passion for the subject have made the lessons engaging and enjoyable. The collaborative environment in the classroom has fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared excitement about exploring the vast possibilities and applications of ICT.
On the other hand, The problem that i have experiences this quarter is memorizing the history of our internet, especially It started five decades ago, so it's really complicated or difficult to learn 5 decades in just one quarter, I don't think that one quarter is enough to be able to study for 5 decades, which is the history of internet and made even more difficult with a new lesson added after the complicated history of our internet. Another, the major problem that we are facing is the heat or hot weather that may lead passing out and heat stroke.

       Addition, I address this challenges by listening to our teacher, make some researched to that topic, watch yt to that complicated topic and lastly taking down notes. Because of that it really helped me to understand and analyze the difficult topic/lessons. Another, the major problem, i really appreciated our teacher about the air conditioning in our classroom, which has brought a sense of comfort and relief during our ICT sessions. The feeling of cool air on a hot day has undoubtedly contributed to the overall positive experience in the class. It may seem like a small detail, but it has certainly added to the overall enjoyment and focus on the subject matter and help us to prevent possible  bad incident.

       As I reflect on the first quarter in ICT, I am filled with gratitude for the knowledge gained, the connections made, and the enjoyable moments shared with my classmates and teacher. This journey into the history of the internet has been enlightening and has sparked a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm for further exploration in the field of ICT.



Inclusivity Communication Teamwork (ICT)

     I've learned many priceless lessons about ICT. First, adaptability is crucial because technology is changing so quickly that one mu...